Social Media Hub


Tips, Tricks & Best Practices

Our social media hub is designed to provide you with useful tools and practices that can help evolve your social media and speed up your workflow.

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Some Stats to Keep In Mind

67% Digital

On average, 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally.


Use your social media platforms to inform, educate and add value. Avoid using it for your sales pitch. It's a big turn-off.

16x more likely

People are 16x more likely to read a post from a person than from a brand. Cisco noted 8x more engagement from employee posts than its brand. Source


Create brand ambassadors. Get your employees to reshare your company's post for greater reach and effectiveness.

75% B2B Buyers

75% of B2B buyers and 84% of C-level or vice-president level executives use social media to make purchasing decisions. Source


Don't underestimate the influence social can have on your decision makers. Create personas and targeted material.

27+ #'s 😲

Studies show that engagement dramatically decreases with more than two hashtags on Twitter. Source


Hashtags increase your potential reach, but don't overdo it. 1-2 for Twitter, 3-5 max for LinkedIn and 5-11 for Instagram.

40x More

Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. Source


Interactive content is even more engaging. Look for ways to step up your social game with visually engaging content.

64% Driven

LinkedIn is responsible for over 64% of referral traffic to corporate websites. Source


If you're struggling with which social network to dedicate your time, consider LinkedIn as the B2B network to focus on first.


There's a difference between limits and what's optimal. Be sure to optimize your character count for each platform.


Each social network is different. Don't make the rookie mistake and size things inappropriately for the platform.


This varies across platforms, industries, and businesses. Take a look at the best time on each platform and experiment before you commit to a day/time.

Content Mix

Whether it's the 3-1-1, 4-1-1, 5-1-1 or whatever ratio works best for your business, the point is to help more than promote. Educate and relate.


What Good Looks Like

We've selected just a few examples of businesses that do a great job on social media.



It's no surprise that Hubspot nails it when it comes to content marketing and social media.

Things we love:
- Great integration of content marketing & social
- More sharing than promotion
- Practices the best practices
- Consistent and frequent
- Visually compelling content
- Two-way communication & interactivity



Think your products/services aren't interesting enough to create engaging social media? IBM is a great example of taking the technical and making it interesting.

Things we love:
- Technical and creative
- Brand consistency and platform integration
- Use of video and content mix
- Conversational tone and interactivity
- Mastered the basics (#s, characters, etc.)



They're known for producing great content, but they also promote learning through their social streams with engaging imagery, tips, and thoughts.

Things we love:
- Consistency & cadence
- Helps more than promotes
- Use of video and content mix
- Cross-platform integration
- Keeps it simple and to the point


Our Social Pet Peeves

Some things work for certain companies, industries, and platforms that don't work for others. We're not saying it's right or wrong.... we're just saying these practices aren't our favorite.

Number 01

Only using social media as a broadcasting platform.

Over 46% will unfollow you if they feel your brand is too promotional. Leveraging social media for your business means creating two-way engagement and conversations with your target audience. If more than 30% of your social media posts are only talking about you and how great you are, then you're missing a huge opportunity and you run the risk of your audience disengaging with you all together.

Number 02

Not getting the basics right.

Incorrectly sized/blurry images, too many hashtags, misleading posts that are irrelevant to the link, too many characters.... these are just a few that can really impact the engagement with your post and your brand's credibility.

Number 03

Eye-rolling images.

Cheesy stock photos and/or images that have way too much text for mobile legibility can be real turn-offs. If you're a small business, you may not have the resources to create custom images every time, but try to make sure the images look professional and text is easy to read if you have applied it to your post.

Number 04

Not being responsive to your comments and questions.

Sure, it's a lot to keep up with sometimes to respond to every comment and question, but not responding is the number one way to disengage your audience. Remember it's a two-way street (refer back to pet peeve #1) and you should find time to engage back.

Number 05

Posting too much or not enough.

You know when your mom posts the same post two times in a row? Or your grandma shares 10 different Instagram posts back-to-back? It's just as annoying when a business posts too much. Adapt your frequency based on the most optimal for each platform and develop consistency so you're also not posting too infrequently to stay relevant.

Tools & Resources

Social Media
Best Practices

Social media is constantly changing and what works on one platform, might not work for another. Take a look at some of the best practices.

When To Post
Image Sizing
Characters & Hashtags
Twitter Tips

Social Media Checklists

Keeping up with social media and making sure your posts are of the highest quality can be challenging. Use our simple checklists to keep things on track.

Before You Post
Daily, Weekly,  Monthly, Quarterly

Social Media Editorial Calendar

A good social media calendar not only ensures you're proactively planning your content, but it also ensures you're creating the right content mix and maintaining consistency/frequency.

Calendar Template Example


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